The Association for Social Research and Communications (UDIK) informs the public that on May 6, 2015 the activists of UDIK were attacked when they were going down the Grbavicka street in Sarajevo. N.N. person was in front of the restaurant – laundry “Bosnia, and first verbally attacked the coordinator Ćudić, and then he threw stones at Edvin Kanka Ćudić. N.N. offended activists of UDIK with words: “Fuck your family”, “we will kill you fagots”, “Ćudić, I’ll fuck your mother, fagot”, “traitors”, “all gays should be killed,” and when the activists warned him to inform the police about this behavior, N.N. replied: “To the hell with police.”
At 15:10pm police of Novo Sarajevo was at this place were attack has happen and persons who were there said that the attack occurred, but nobody there do not know that person.
UDIK recalls that this is not the first attack on the activists of UDIK in this year and informs that has not yet submitted a police record of the attack that took place on February 26, 2015. UDIK informs that this act is politically motivated because the N.N. knew surname of coordinator of UDIK and N.N. made it clear that safety of activists of UDIK is not guaranteed in this city.