On Monday April 23, the Association for Social Research and Communication (UDIK) will organize a promotion of the book “Monuments and the politics of memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, controversies”, published as a part of the edition Memorials.
This book represents a research whose aim was analyzing and showing some of the basic elements of today’s politics of memory in our region, primarily in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia. The public should see in what way nowadays we remember the tragic events from the past. Two experts worked together with the UDIK team on the selection and analysis of the monuments and did the expertise for the needs of this book. One of them is Amra Čusto from the Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage Sarajevo and the other is Vjeran Pavlaković from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Rijeka.
WHEN: MONDAY, 04/23/18, 12:00